Finch Quality Painting, Inc. is your source for the most diligent and experienced painting and refinishing throughout Central North Carolina and beyond.
Residential and Commercial Painting and Refinishing Services Offered in the Following Locations:
We go the extra mile in all of our projects to ensure your complete satisfaction. This includes adding a layer of plastic under our drop cloths on your floors and furniture to ensure that no mistakes are made. We also have paint and painting equipment which can be used effectively in damp, wet, and humid climates, which means that there are no jobs we cannot tackle.
Call us today at 919-609-7759 or contact us to schedule your free in-home consultation and estimate with no obligation and no hassle.
Finch Painting serves Central North Carolina’s painting and refinishing needs in the Triangle area including Raleigh, Cary, Morrisville, Apex, Garner, Knightdale, Wake Forest, Durham, Chapel Hill, and all points East.